Jul 20, 2021
'Raptor' by R.S.Thomas
The poem 'Raptor' was included in a Spiritual Reading Group session led by Carol O'Conner, via Zoom, on Wednesday 16 June 2021.

Jun 30, 2021
'The Bright Field' by R. S. Thomas
The poem 'The Bright Field' was included in a Spiritual Reading Group session led by Carol O'Conner, via Zoom, on Wednesday 16 June 2021.

Jun 2, 2021
Living in Community
Discover the beauty of living in community. Explore the essence of togetherness in this blog post by Carol O'Conner.

Feb 2, 2021
For God so Loved the World
A worshipful poem by Carol O'Conner in response to the well-known words 'For God so loved the world . . .'

Sep 18, 2020
W.B. Yeats, Internal Silence and Jigsaw Puzzles
A reflection on WB Yeats and his poem 'Long-Legged Fly'.