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Authentic Christian Living: Rediscovering the Sacramental Imagination by Gavin Brown

Authentic Christian Living: Rediscovering the Sacramental Imagination

  • What does it really mean to think and live as a Christian in the modern world? For some, Christianity and modern values seem utterly incompatible; the only option available to faithful Christians is a radical rejection of an increasingly sinful world.

    For others, Christianity will only survive when it “gets with the program” and adapts itself to a rapidly changing and advancing (post)modernity. But what if there is a middle way?

    This book is written in the conviction that Christianity can both thrive within a modern setting and, at the same time, offer something of extraordinary value to modernity, something it cannot provide for itself. This can best be called a sacramental imagination.

  • Title: Authentic Christian Living: Rediscovering the Sacramental Imagination
    Author: Gavin Brown
    ISBN: 9781922484475
    Publisher: Garratt Publishing
    Date: 2023

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