God's Little Book of Peace
God's Little Book of Peace offers an inspiring collection of calm-inducing truths on which to call when peace seems far from our hearts. ‘Remember, yesterday is gone and tomorrow is unborn; all you have is today. Live one peaceful day at a time.'
Amid all the worries and stress of everyday life and the problems of the world, we feel the need to reach outside ourselves in order to find lasting peace and strength.Open this inspirational little book at any page, and restore your sense of peace and calm. Each page has an inspirational thought or idea, along with a related Bible reference for further reading and encouragement.
Harmony among nations and between people struck by terror and disaster is often hard to come by. Yet in the midst of turmoil, peace can still be achieved. It is possible to live in a world which cries out for peace, yet still to find it in our hearts. Such an experience only comes from knowing God. This small volume is designed to provide you with insightful words to help you discover true peace for yourself.Title: God's Little Book of Peace: Words of Comfort and Reassurance
Author: Richard Daly
ISBN: 9780007528387
Publisher: Harper Collins
Date: 2013