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Pilgrim: The Beatitudes

Pilgrim: The Beatitudes

  • 'The Pilgrim course is a journey to the heart of God and to a living personal relationship with Jesus Christ within the household of his Church.'
    - The Archbishops of Canterbury and York

    Pilgrim is an innovative and inspiring programme for enquirers and new Christians. It approaches the great issues of faith not through persuasion, but participation in a pattern of contemplation and discussion in the comapny of a small group of fellow travellers.

    The Beatitudes are probably the most important, subversive and revolutionary text in teh Bible. In order to follow Jesus and live the Christian life, we need to enter into the challenging but beautiful world of the Beatitudes and that is what this exciting course is all about.

  • Title: The Beatitudes

    Series: Pilgrim - A course for the Christian Journey

    Author: Stephen Cottrell, Steven Croft, Paula Gooder, Robert Atwell

    ISBN: 9780715143926

    Publisher: Church House Publishing

    Date: 2013


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