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The Way of Benedict: Eight Blessings for Lent

The Way of Benedict: Eight Blessings for Lent

  • Our world badly needs Christ's light and peace. One way to bring these blessings to one another is to attend to our own hearts and to learn to live well.

    Living Lent well involves turning back to God to receive his blessing. In this deep and practical book, a guide for Lent and the rest of the year, Sr Laurentia distils the sixth-century Rule of St Benedict as a series of blessings. Closely based on Scripture, the Rule highlights that the whole of life has a Lenten character and points to a joyful eternity.

    This accessible guide includes ideas for reflection and action at the end of each chapter.

  • Title: The Way of Benedict - Eight Blessings for Lent
    Author: Laurentia Johns OSB
    ISBN: 9780281075812
    Publisher: SPCK
    Date: 2019

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