We Care For God's Earth
Everything on our Earth is interconnected. A change to one part of our planet can affect the whole planet. Human beings are a part of the Earth and when Earth hurts, we hurt too. When we damage the Earth, we damage ourselves in the process. God invites us to care for the Earth as God does.
In We Care for God’s Earth, author Mary-Ann Casanova draws together sacred scripture, and elements of science and technology, to provide a blueprint for understanding our world today and our role as responsible faith-filled caretakers.
From the Story of the Universe to a call for Caring Times, you will find contemporary topics presented in a lively question-and-answer format. The colourful design and illustrations – including charts, timelines, key terms and infographics – make this a book you will want to come back to again and again.
As Pope Francis says in his apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum: To all people of good will on the climate crisis, ‘The world sings of an infinite Love: how can we fail to care for it?’
Title: We Care For God's Earth
Author: Mary-Ann Casanova
ISBN: 9780746098349
Publisher: Usborne GB
Date: 2008