Carol O'Connor
'In Church' by R.S.Thomas
The poem 'In Church' was included in a Spiritual Reading Group session led by Carol O'Conner, via Zoom, on Wednesday 16 June 2021.
Carol O'Connor
'The Other' by R.S.Thomas
The poem 'The Other' was included in a Spiritual Reading Group session led by Carol O'Conner, via Zoom, on Wednesday 16 June 2021.
Carol O'Connor
'Raptor' by R.S.Thomas
The poem 'Raptor' was included in a Spiritual Reading Group session led by Carol O'Conner, via Zoom, on Wednesday 16 June 2021.
Carol O'Connor
'The Bright Field' by R. S. Thomas
The poem 'The Bright Field' was included in a Spiritual Reading Group session led by Carol O'Conner, via Zoom, on Wednesday 16 June 2021.
Carol O'Connor
Maria Skobtsova: Twentieth Century Martyr
She was a woman who believed that in ‘communing with the world in the person of each individual we commune with God.’ For her ‘each person i
Carol O'Connor
St Benedict: For the God who Radiates in Community. Alleluia.
Second of two addresses delivered Church of the Resurrection Mt Macedon, All Souls Day, 2019 The monks are to bear with patience the...